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2025 PrezCon Monday Feb. 17th thru Sunday Feb. 23th
Power Grid
2025 Game Schedule
Games Point Leader Board
Power Grid
Bill Crenshaw (40 points)
Dave Platnick (40 points)
Eyal Mozez (35 points)
Matt Jackson (29 points)
Dan Mathias (28 points)
Aaron Buchanan (20 points)
Brian Batovsky (20 points)
Brian Gresehover (20 points)
Eric Wrobel (20 points)
Jeff Kahan (20 points)
Kevin Garber (20 points)
Andrew Dzikiewicz (115 points)
Bill Alderman (15 points)
Eugene Yee (15 points)
Leslee Eldard (15 points)
Jake Jacoby (13 points)
Christopher Gnech (12 points)
James Henderson (12 points)
Harold Schultz (9 points)
Meredith McQuoid-Greason (9 points)
Keith Ferguson (8 points)
Joseph Marriot (8 points)
Joe Rudmin (6 points)
Mike Senzig (6 points)
Larry Tentor (4 points)
Philip Shea (4 points)
Description: Power Grid is the updated release of the Friedemann Friese crayon game Funkenschlag. It removes the crayon aspect from network building in the original edition, while retaining the fluctuating commodities market like Crude: The Oil Game and an auction round intensity reminiscent of The Princes of Florence. The objective of Power Grid is to supply the most cities with power when someone's network gains a predetermined size. In this new edition, players mark pre-existing routes between cities for connection, and then bid against each other to purchase the power plants that they use to power their cities. However, as plants are purchased, newer, more efficient plants become available, so by merely purchasing, you're potentially allowing others access to superior equipment. Additionally, players must acquire the raw materials (coal, oil, garbage, and uranium) needed to power said plants (except for the 'renewable' windfarm/ solar plants, which require no fuel), making it a constant struggle to upgrade your plants for maximum efficiency while still retaining enough wealth to quickly expand your network to get the cheapest routes.
Duration: 3 hrs
About The Game